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SWC Logoselsey wood carvers logo 
Welcome to
Selsey Wood Carvers


We are a group of individual wood carvers who meet every Wednesday at the Scout Hut, School Lane, Selsey, PO20 9EH between 10 am and 4 pm. It is an informal gathering where we bring our tools and carvings to work on and give each other support. There is onsite car parking.

The group was formed in 2014 and at present has eight wood carvers who come regularaly and they are from as far afield as Chichester and Bognor Regis. The span of skills range from total novice to expert both male and female and provide an informal arena in which we can help each other with all aspects of wood and carving including the use of tools. Visitors are always welcome, why not drop in and have a chat.

There are a wide variety of carvings including Birds, Figurines, Animals and Tree Spirits  Of course there are many types of ornamental woodwork involved when producing stands and plaques / shields.

Although there are no wood carving classes. There is always helpful friendly advice available about all kinds of woodcraft as we are pleased to have wood turners and wood workers amongst the group. Between us we use many varied tools and machines including bandsaws, tablesaws and fretsaws so if you are thinking of buying a new tool or machine normally someone in the group has the tool or has used one and can help with advice.

Here are a few links to some easy carving videos on You Tube

Wood Spirit          Owl          Character Face

If you have something particular you would like carving or repaired or if you would like to commission a carving please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to discuss your requirements.


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Designed and hosted by Paul.